The Book of the Monitor Lizards
  • The Book of the Monitor Lizards
  • The Book of the Monitor Lizards
  • The Book of the Monitor Lizards
  • The Book of the Monitor Lizards
  • The Book of the Monitor Lizards
  • The Book of the Monitor Lizards
The Book of the Monitor Lizards
The Book of the Monitor Lizards The Book of the Monitor Lizards The Book of the Monitor Lizards The Book of the Monitor Lizards The Book of the Monitor Lizards The Book of the Monitor Lizards

The Book of the Monitor Lizards

Editions Chimaira

78,00 €
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Eidenmüller B.

320 pages, édition Chimlaira de 2021.


FWithin the last decade, our knowledge concerning monitor lizards increased tremendously, not only by the number of new described species, but also by our knowledge about their biology and how to breed them. For example Varanus komodoensis has his own inner-species communication by determined movements of its tail, and even communal egg-laying is shown by two monitor species (Doddy, Social Life of Reptiles) and the Varanus gouldii burrows are such astonishing examples of lizard-architecture which are almost unbelievable. I am glad Bernd Eidenmüller took the task of compiling and writing of what can easily be called todays “Bible” of monitor lizards. “Bernd Eidenmüller has had a passionate interest in varanid species for many years. He has travelled extensively to pursue this passion, particularly in outback Australia, where he has studied and photographed them on many expeditions. In the field of husbandry of these reptiles Bernd has built a solid reputation for successful breeding of many species, beginning with V. timorensis in 1983. In the years since, he has bred a total of 13 species and described, together with R. Wicker, a new species, V. reisingeri in 2005. Bernd has contributed articles on monitors to reptile magazines including iHerp Australia”. NEVILLE BURNS Blue Mountains Reptile Awareness.


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Client anonyme publié le 23/10/2024 suite à une commande du 05/03/2023


Parfait pour les fans de varans.

Commentaire de La Ferme Tropicale le 10/03/2023
Merci pour votre commentaire, bonne lecture ! À bientôt !

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Client anonyme publié le 24/12/2021 suite à une commande du 11/12/2021


Un très bon livre sur les varans

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